Goal For The Green

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Archive for the ‘Research’ Category

Autism In The News

May-30-2009 By Barbara Zak


Congratulations, to to NASCAR’S, Jimmy Johnson.  He was Sunday’s (May31,2009) winner of the Autism Speaks 400.  The race was held at Dover International Speedway in Delaware.


On Sunday, May 31,2009, The NASCAR Sprint Cup Race will be held at Dover Internaational Raceway.  The name of the race is the Autism Speaks 400.  Autism Speaks was founded in 2005, by Suzanne and Bob Wright, who are grandparents  to a child with autism.  It has become the nation’s largest organization, focused on autism science and advocacy.  Their mission is to fund for the causes, studies, prevention, treatments and cure for autism.

The NASCAR communnity, includes many families and individuals who are affected by autism.   This race helps promote awareness, compassion and hope to the NASCAR community and the entire nation.


There is a new effort being made, to require insurance companies to provide benefits for the treatment of autism.  The bill made it through Missouri state senate, but failed to make it through the house.  The push is on to have autism insurance available in 2010.


Controversy is always swirling when it comes to autism.  Anything from the GFCF (gluten-free casein free) diet, to this treatment or that treat ment.  Which one, how much is enough or too much?  Then of course there is always the Question- To Vaccinate Or Not? As if, autism itself weren’t enough for parents and caregivers to  cope with.

According to the scientific community, the topic of whether to vaccinate or not, has become the most debated, diverse, and persistent medical myth of our times:  that autism could be caused by childhood vaccines. Scientists and research says there is no connection.  Obviously,trust and accountability are some of the main reasons Why Many Parents Believe Myths About Autism AndVaccines.

Currently, the odds of autism are 1:150 children affected here in the U.S, and 1:88 in the UK.  The biggest question is why?  Now, in the most recent study conducted at Cambridge University, many children are “undiagnosed.”  This, could bring the number of affected children to 1 in 64.  I find this very troubling…and still the biggest question is …WHY?


See where the cutest ladybugs live!

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Our Digital World

Mar-14-2009 By Barbara Zak
Electromagnetic spectrum with light highlighted
Image via Wikipedia

In a prior post entitled, Safety and Cell Phones: What Pregnant Women Should Know, I shared some important information that every one should know.

There is no disputing the impact of technology on our everyday lives.  Almost everyone these days is connected to some type of electronic device.  If they are not, they are exposed to some form of technological convenience on a daily basis.  Anything from your microwave, cell phone and computers, use radio frequency waves, which is a form of electromagnetic radiation.

These waves are the same as those your microwave generates to heat food but at a much lower amount. High amounts of these waves can disrupt body tissues—that’s one reason you wear protective shielding when you get an X-ray. The stronger form of this radiation, such as that used for X-rays, can be harmful to the body, damaging cells and DNA.  It is called ionized radiation. Microwave ovens, cell phones, and other wireless devices also use electromagnetic waves to function, but because the radiation they produce is not thought to damage body tissue, it’s known as non-ionizing. Still, the body absorbs non-ionizing radiation generated from your phone, and these other devices.

Some people are more sensitive to the electromagnetic field and radio frequency waves (RF) than others.  However, here are some signs and symptoms you should be aware of: Constant headaches or pressure in the head, drowsiness, sleep problems, inability to think clearly, rapid heartbeat, high blood pressure, shortness of breath, forgetfulness, burning skin, inner burning, leg weakness, pain in the limbs…and the list goes on. These are just some of the reasons people fight having a cell tower nearby where they live.  The same reasoning holds true, living near a power station or exposure to power poles and above ground wiring.

The next big push in our technological advances, is on June 12, 2009, when we all need to have access to digital TV.  Here is the most recent information you should know about the potential health effects that this may cause. Please take the extra few minutes to read this very important article.

Since my prior post, I have become a consultant for Biopro Technologies.  In my opinion, the very least you should do to protect yourself from the harmful effects of radio frequency waves, is to get the chips,  to break the transmission of the waves into your body.

If you are in need of work, or wanting to make a career change be sure to look at the Biopro Opportunity.  Keep in mind that there are three areas that being a consultant can impact.  The “green” movement is growing and certainly not going anywhere.  Technology is growing and ever changing.  People are and have been paying closer attention to alternative health options in the last five years.  These are just three of the areas that you could impact and influence immediatley.  But, at the very least, protect yourself and your family.

For more information on how you can protect yourself and your children, feel free to contact my friend Katherine, for any questions you may have.  Just tell her I sent you.

It is my hope that you take the information presented here seriously.  After all it is your health and your body, but keep in mind there is  plenty of information we are not meant to know.

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Question- To Vaccinate Or Not?

Nov-29-2008 By Barbara Zak

With the odds of autism being 1:150 here in the US, it cannot compare to the now epidemic proportions of the disorder currently found in the UK.  The rate of autism in the UK is now 1:88 or I in every 54 boys. The belief that autism is solely genetic is unverifiable.  Environmental factors must be considered because, after all, there is no such thing as a genetic epidemic.

Recently,I did an update on autism in the news. The topic of vaccinating as a cause was explored. To anyone who has a child with autism, you may never fully convince them that childhood vaccines had nothing to do with their child’s autism. On the contrary,

Autism fears lead some parents to not immunize children

The CDC (Center For Disease Control and Prevention) stands by their claim that scientist say there is substantial evidence that there is no link. Yet, around the country, there is debate over what role, if any, vaccinations play in autism, and many parents are deciding against immunizations. Most feel that they would rather risk their child getting measles, chicken pox or the flu, than autism.

David Kirby writes in The Huffington Post regarding a new study about “mitochondrial autism” that it is real, and that vaccine triggers cannot be ruled out. This article is a must read for the latest information on this pivotal topic.

Another must read to bring you up to date on this issue is Ginger Taylor’s “Adventures in Autism”. While at Ginger’s blog you may also want to consider reading about how the FDA hid the names of contaminated infant formula products from the public, in the most recent case of melamine contamination.

Special thanks to Google news for these excellent sources of current information on Autism in the news.

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