Goal For The Green

Para-education and green living information

Archive for May, 2009

Autism In The News

May-30-2009 By Barbara Zak


Congratulations, to to NASCAR’S, Jimmy Johnson.  He was Sunday’s (May31,2009) winner of the Autism Speaks 400.  The race was held at Dover International Speedway in Delaware.


On Sunday, May 31,2009, The NASCAR Sprint Cup Race will be held at Dover Internaational Raceway.  The name of the race is the Autism Speaks 400.  Autism Speaks was founded in 2005, by Suzanne and Bob Wright, who are grandparents  to a child with autism.  It has become the nation’s largest organization, focused on autism science and advocacy.  Their mission is to fund for the causes, studies, prevention, treatments and cure for autism.

The NASCAR communnity, includes many families and individuals who are affected by autism.   This race helps promote awareness, compassion and hope to the NASCAR community and the entire nation.


There is a new effort being made, to require insurance companies to provide benefits for the treatment of autism.  The bill made it through Missouri state senate, but failed to make it through the house.  The push is on to have autism insurance available in 2010.


Controversy is always swirling when it comes to autism.  Anything from the GFCF (gluten-free casein free) diet, to this treatment or that treat ment.  Which one, how much is enough or too much?  Then of course there is always the Question- To Vaccinate Or Not? As if, autism itself weren’t enough for parents and caregivers to  cope with.

According to the scientific community, the topic of whether to vaccinate or not, has become the most debated, diverse, and persistent medical myth of our times:  that autism could be caused by childhood vaccines. Scientists and research says there is no connection.  Obviously,trust and accountability are some of the main reasons Why Many Parents Believe Myths About Autism AndVaccines.

Currently, the odds of autism are 1:150 children affected here in the U.S, and 1:88 in the UK.  The biggest question is why?  Now, in the most recent study conducted at Cambridge University, many children are “undiagnosed.”  This, could bring the number of affected children to 1 in 64.  I find this very troubling…and still the biggest question is …WHY?


See where the cutest ladybugs live!

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Relax With Barbara On Wednesday 39

May-27-2009 By Barbara Zak

I am just mesmerized by the works of  Ilana Yahav, and how she transforms sand into amazing works of art.  Here, the music is by Yanni – “One Man’s Dream.” I think you will find this both relaxing and soothing!

See where the cutest ladybugs live!

What Do Ladybugs Eat?

May-25-2009 By Barbara Zak

Most ladybugs are voracious, mighty little predators.  They are often referred to as a “gardener’s best friend.” This is because they can effectively control garden pests that are harmful to both our vegetable and flower gardens.

A ladybug standing on a leaf. Photograph taken...
Image via Wikipedia

Ladybugs eat mostly aphids, (a small green soft bodied insect that thrives on plant juices), mites and scales.  All of these types of insects are harmful to many crop plants, and are considered to be serious pests to plant life in general.  Even as larva, ladybugs eat aphids, and other soft bodied insects such as mites, white flies, and scale insects that can devour a garden.  There are some species of ladybugs that can be considered as vegetarian, preferring to eat mushrooms and various forms of fungus.  Some like to dine on mildew, while others do prefer eating leaves, and may become a pest to some plants.

The majority of ladybugs, however, are not considered to be pests.  They can effectively keep a garden aphid and pest free, making them a natural and chemical free form of pest control.  In many areas they can be purchased to help keep your garden pest free.

It’s as amazing, as it is wonderful that by what this little creature eats,  it is helping us humans, by keeping the food that we grow and eat pest free!

See where the cutest ladybugs live!

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