Goal For The Green

Para-education and green living information

Archive for the ‘wildlife’ Category

World Wildlife Fund Awards Johnson Diversey

Sep-27-2008 By Barbara Zak

When a major company does something great for the environment it makes me want to stand up and cheer. I received this notice from Collen Goepfert,  Account Research Manager at Swirl in San Francisco, CA.  It is a great pleasure and honor to share this outstanding information with you.

Hi Barbara,

I thought that it might be of interest to you and your Goal For The Green readers, the World Wildlife Fund has welcomed in my client JohnsonDiversey into the Climate Savers Program. Here is the press release, pictures and part of the video.

Here’s the YouTube link

The 3 video minute clip features: (1) Curt Johnson, Chairman, JohnsonDiversey; (2) Matt Banks, Senior Program Officer, Business and Industry, World Wildlife Fund; and (3) Ed Lonergan, President/CEO, JohnsonDiversey.

I think that it’s pretty amazing that a $3B a year B2B cleaning product company is striving for sustainability.

“WWF President and CEO Carter Roberts said the actions being taken by JohnsonDiversey to address climate change will set a new standard for the cleaning industry and serve as a model for other companies seeking to transform the way they do business to help preserve the environment.”

JohnsonDiversey’s cleaning, sanitation and hygiene products, which are used throughout the country and Europe, at schools, hospitals, stadiums, event halls, restaurants, public gathering locations, amusement parks, youth playing fields, offices, directly effect the health and well being of every American. In our country, on every school day, over 100 million children are breathing in and exposed to these cleaning products and the chemical and natural elements used to make them. A scientific study has shown that a sanitary school and work place has decreased the number of kids and workers who get sick, as well as helping to increase the mental and physical performance of these students, teachers, administrators and professionals


Having a more environmentally and human friendly cleaning product company strive to be more sustainable and green in their products and practices will improve the health, quality and vitality of our lives. They will also provide the long term benefits such of giving our children a better foundation from which to learn and grow. Such measures will also save parents money on their doctor bills come cold season.