Goal For The Green

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Archive for the ‘ladybugs’ Category

Resolutions Or 5P’s

Jan-9-2010 By Barbara Zak
Two New Year's Resolutions postcards
Image via Wikipedia

Yes, I set goals, and yes I have determination, as a strong feature of my personality.  But, for years now, I haven’t made any New Year’s Resolutions.

Why?  Well, by this early date in the New Year, most people have already given up, or fallen off the wagon, and they don’t seem to get back on, and on track. That was always how it was for me. I got tired of the feeling of self-defeat or failure, so early in the year. I never did beat myself up about it though.

Focusing on making that list of life changing tasks, or resolves, became too large, looming and daunting. Then, awhile back, I found something that works for me!

I practice the 5P’s! What are they?

Proper, Preparation, Prevents, Poor, Planning!

While, it might take me a bit longer to accomplish or achieve my goals, it helps me put the proper amount of time and effort into each task, that is necessary to achieve success.

An example, of how the 5P’s has worked for me, is this BLOG! I have carefully, taken the time to plan and prepare my posts. I also, pay attention to what I feel you want to read about.  My plan from the onset has been, “If you build it, they will come!”   Your readership and support, has shown me how well this has worked.  I may have said it here before, but “it is far better to have a plan, and stick to it, than NO plan at all.”   I feel that is true, no matter what you aspire to do, or achieve. If I didn’t have a plan, I doubt this blog would be the success it has become…plain and simple.

So, whatever your goals are for this year are, Why not practice using the 5P’s? Take things one step at a time, instead of creating a list of resolutions, that amounts to a major overhaul that is overwhelming.

For me the 5P’s, takes the stress out of achieving my goals. Try it- I think you will be surprised. Post them in places that will help you stay focused.

Proper Preparation, Prevents, Poor Planning

Oh, and check back here often to see how my plan progresses! Until next time, To Your Success in 2010!

Get Some Ladybugs here!

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Keep It Merry and Green With EcoBold!

Dec-10-2009 By Barbara Zak

Have you ever thought about how many trees are used every year, to make our gift wrap? Or, how about all that wrapping paper and packaging that ends up in the landfill after our holiday festivities?

Steffany Boldrini at EcoBold, has come up with some eco- friendly and creative ways to help. Now, you will never have to buy wrapping paper or bows again.

Here also, is a video clip of the top 10 eco-friendly green gifts, suitable for any budget.

So, now you can take action and save at least 25% on these one of a kind, eco-friendly gift ideas.    Who says you can’t  buy green, and do it on the cheap, for  Christmas?  Enjoy, and have a Merry “green” Christmas, that your budget will love!

Get some ladybugs here!

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Do Ladybugs Bite?

Nov-29-2009 By Barbara Zak
jpeg image, female lady beetle, Asian lady bee...
Image via Wikipedia

To set the record straight, the simplest answer is NO they do NOT bite. That is the case for our domestic ladybugs and lady beetles, most commonly found in North America.

However, the multi-colored Asian lady beetles DO bite. Their native habitat is northeast Asia.  However, the U.S Department of Agriculture, introduced the Asian lady beetle to California, back in 1916, to control aphids on pecan trees.  Shortly after this release years ago, they promptly disappeared.  Due to accidental transport, subsequent release, and natural migration, the Asian lady beetle is now found throughout the United States, along with more than 400 other species.

The Asian Lady beetle, is quite effective at controlling soft-bodied pests such as aphids, mites and scale, that are most commonly found in agricultural and domestic garden settings. The mature lady beetles, and their larvae consume hundreds of aphids and pests daily, thus earning their keep and proving their worth as a natural predator.

It is the Asian lady beetle, that is considered a nuisance. These are the ones who commonly invade our homes over the winter to hibernate, stain our cloths, and yes they can and do bite us!

In some cases of infestation, it is possible to have an allergic reaction to the multi-colored Asian lady beetle.  Prolonged exposure to such infestations has been reported to cause allergic reactions in some humans (Yarbrough et al 1999, mangnan et al. 2002).   Some patients have described itchy nose and eyes, sneezing, upper respiratory symptoms, and severe, or persistent asthma.  This is so unfair, to our beautiful non-biting domestic US ladybug.

The Asian lady beetle and the domestic ladybug appear to be identical. Yet, there is one important way to tell the difference. Looking down, from an above vantage point, on the section of the Asian beetle, that separates its tiny head from its winged area, there is a distinguishing mark, that looks much like the letter “M”.  Domestic ladybugs, do not have this characteristic.

If an Asian lady beetle lands on your skin, they are most likely there to explore for moisture or food. You may experience what feels like a bite, however, even most Asian lady beetles do not bite.  It is more of a nibble, that is felt, and they do not break the skin, like most other biting insects do.  They do however, have spurs on the back of their legs that can cause a poking, or pricking sensation, as they are scouting for a meal.

It is good to know that there is no known toxin or disease associated with this activity. If you are particularly sensitive, you may experience some minor pain or swelling associated with this “nibbling.”  So, if you do come upon being nibbled on, please don’t blame the innocent ladybug.  It’s after all, her look-alike, the Asian lady beetle!

See where the cutest ladybugs live!

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