Two years ago, this was created by a teenager for the AARP, U@50 contest. It came in second place. The thing about it is, it has even more impact when it plays in REVERSE! Hope you enjoy!!
For the last week or two, some of you may have been wondering if I fell off the planet! :). Not the case. I just wanted to give you a quick update on what’s up around here.
Something went terribly wrong with my last theme. It was totally messed up , and not displaying nicely at all, on Explorer. I was also having some internal issues, while posting inside the blog. The theme was totally replaced once, but IE still didn’t like it, no matter what was tried.
So, it was time to seek out a new theme, to see if that would correct the problems. VOILA.. It did! Now, I have my own new customized look. Let me know what you think.
Special Thanks, goes to Theresa Cahill, of Whole-Hog-Blogs, for the extensive time and effort, she put into making the necessary changes!
This year marks the 20th Anniversary Bioneers Conference and Workshops of thought leadership, technology, social justice, sustainability, food and farming, healthcare, and much more. Andrew Weil, MD, Michael Pollan (Author “Omnivore’s Dilemma”) and Annie Leonard (Director “The Story of Stuff”) and many others are speaking. Their goal is to turn education into action by connecting people with nature and each other. They provide collaborations and actions to create strategic impact.
I am helping to collaboratively spread the word about this conference by posting and sharing digital content to help advance the Bioneer society.
I’d like to offer you this 20% off link which also provides you a Free Bioneers’ Membership and discount to the conference.
Additionally, here’s a link to some “I’m a Bioneers” Badges, which you can proudly embed or give out on your own blog.
Here are a few not-to-be-missed Bioneers’ Conference speakers and workshops:
In Defense of Food: The Omnivore’s Solution
Friday, October 16, 9:00am-1:00pm
The leading American thinker about our relationship to food, Michael Pollan is the author of such seminal classics as In Defense of Food: An Eater’s Manifesto, The Omnivore’s Dilemma and The Botany of Desire. He explores what the industrialization of food and agriculture has meant for our health and happiness as eaters. He surveys the landscape of the growing national movement to redesign the food system.
Environmental Health, Environmental Medicine
Saturday, October 17, 2009, 9:00am – 1:00pm
Human health and environmental health are inextricably interconnected, yet the education and training of doctors and health professionals largely ignore the subject. America’s most prominent “Integrative” MD and medical reformer, Dr. Andrew Weil says in his new book on reinventing the American health care system that it’s imperative to mobilize the health-care community as an ally in the environmental movement. The alliance could overcome the influence of vested interests that still block the legislative and policy changes we need to protect the health of people and planet.
The Story of Stuff
Sunday, October 18, 2009, 9:00am – 1:00pm
A key part of the American dream is centered on accumulating ever more, and better, stuff. Yet all the stuff in our lives is taking an enormous toll on the environment, public health, equity, personal happiness and even our sense of citizenship and democracy. Acclaimed filmmaker and Internet phenomenon Annie Leonard exposes the often hidden costs and provides a hopeful vision for moving beyond the age of Stuff.
Further, in an effort to help attendees and audience members gain a higher understanding of the latest Social Media technology, tools and channels, Bioneers is hosting The Bioneers’ influenceXchange: Sustainable Social Media Panels and Workshops on October 16th and 17th at the conference. Become a catalyst of change and join 3,000 innovators who are finding solutions through nature.
The Bioneer’s Conference 2009 runs from October 15-18, in San Rafael, California.