Goal For The Green

Para-education and green living information

Archive for the ‘Featured’ Category

AVATAR- A Review!

May-1-2010 By Barbara Zak
Avatar (2009 film)
Image via Wikipedia

Retail sales of AVATAR Blu-ray and DVD Discs have exceeded 6.7 million units, since its launch last Thursday, Earth Day April 22,2010. It is currently,on pace to be the best selling title in recent history.

The extraordinary initial sales for AVATAR are clearly a game changer for the Blu-ray format. Blu-ray players for the first time, are surpassing DVD players, at retail outlets across the country as fans are upgrading their systems to experience the best picture and sound quality available.

This is the ultimate high definition experience for home viewing audiences. The April AVATAR Blu-ray and DVD release, features the film and corresponding menu, utilizing the disc’s entire storage space in order to provide the highest quality picture and sound. Avatar is an action-adventure journey, of self-discovery that dramatically demonstrates how human invasion almost destroys the balance of life, on the planet Pandora.

Avatar, is the 2010 Oscar® winner of Best Visual Effects, Best Cinematography, and Best Art Director. At the 2010,  Golden Globes®- Avatar, won for Best Picture Drama and Best Director- James Cameron. AVATAR, is the highest grossing film of all time, taking in over $2.7 billion, in worldwide box office sales. Read the rest of this entry »

Please- NO More Receipts!

Apr-27-2010 By Barbara Zak

This post is in helpful response, to a request from Software Advice, a website that reviews retail point of sale software.  They want to get rid of paper receipts. It is a peeve of mine, and I agree with the idea enthusiastically.  So, they’ve asked members of the green community to weigh in by taking a short poll. You can take the short poll here:

Software Advice thinks paper receipts represent a wasteful vestige of the last millennium. There is no reason – legal or otherwise – why consumers or retailers, need paper receipts. Electronic receipts are completely valid and they are far more efficient.

Moreover, the production of paper receipts, does some real damage to our environment. For example, 9,600,000 million trees are cut down each year just to produce paper receipts. Additionally, roughly 2,278 lbs of trash is produced during the production of a single ton of receipt paper. This means 1,457,920,000 lbs of trash are being fed into our landfill just to make receipts (according to AllEtronic).

So, what will it take to end paper receipts? Strong incentives, primarily monetary incentives. We need to motivate consumers and retailers, to push toward the vision of paperless retail purchases. To see a list of motivations, and continue reading their article, please visit: Please Kill the Paper Receipt If you didn’t take the poll, at the link at the top of this post, be sure to take it at the above linked article.  This poll is very important, as is your participation in it, because thermal receipt paper cannot be recycled!

Adgitize your web site.

Celebrate our 40th Earth Day, and the release of Avatar, on DVD and Blu-ray today, by planting a tree!

Here is the press release details, about how you can participate.

*** Media Alert ***
Home Tree Initiative Kicks Off With James Cameron
on Earth Day’s 40th Anniversary

James Cameron, Jon Landau and members of the AVATAR Cast Join in
to Plant Symbolic Tree that Represents the One Million Trees
Being Planted Throughout the World
WHAT: On behalf of the home entertainment launch of AVATAR, Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment and Earth Day Network have partnered for the “Home Tree Initiative,” which will consist of planting one million trees native to each region in 15 countries by the end of 2010.

WHO: Director James Cameron, Producer Jon Landau, Joel David Moore (“Norm Spellman”) and CCH Pounder (“Moat”)

WHERE: Twentieth Century Fox Studio Lot
Building 88
10201 West Pico
Los Angeles, CA 90064

WHEN: Thursday, April 22
Press Check-In: 10:00 AM
Tree Planting: 11:00 AM
CONTACT: Kavita Smith Conor Sellers
TCFHE Bender/Helper Impact
Office – (310) 369-8435 Office – (310) 473-4147
Cell – (562) 201-9240 Cell – (310) 270-7279
kavita.smith@fox.com conor_sellers@bhimpact.com