Goal For The Green

Para-education and green living information

Archive for the ‘Featured’ Category

The Icing On The Spill!

Oct-12-2010 By Barbara Zak

Yes, it has been about 30 days since the Deep Water Horizon Well, has been permanently capped.  Yes, it has been at least two or more weeks, since the five story, 150 ton blow-out preventor has been raised, to help determine the cause of the worst environmental disaster in American history. Yes, hearings have begun, but have you noticed, WE  AREN’T HEARING, much of the goings on?  The focus is NOW, on the mid-term elections.  I don’t know about YOU, but I think many people impacted by the BP spill, as well as the millions of unemployed workers in this county, are wondering WHO CAN WE TRUST?


Just last week, a report was released by the national commission Read the rest of this entry »

The Half Way Point

Oct-4-2010 By Barbara Zak

Three weeks ago, I posted this video, that is very similar to the knee replacement surgery, I had done.

Here are my before and after pics, so you get a better idea of how bad my knee was, and what it is like NOW! Read the rest of this entry »

Relax With Barbara on Wednesday 78

Sep-15-2010 By Barbara Zak

This is perhaps, the most crystal clear view of the Havasupai Indain Waterfalls, Grand Canyon AZ., you will ever see! Everything about this,is perfect for meditation and relaxation.  I’m sure you will enjoy it!  🙂

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