Rain Garden - Image via Wikipedia
Across North America, many regions and municipalities, are looking to rain gardens as a solution to storm water run-off. Why? Because, the centuries-old approach, of piping water off the land, as fast as possible, and dumping it into waterways, is failing quickly. In fact, our entire infrastructure, nationwide, is in desperate need of attention, and repairs.
Rain Gardens Such A Simple Solution
The solution in some areas, could be as simple and aesthetically pleasing, as rain gardens, in low lying problem areas to make managing run-off, a sustainable reality. They incorporate native vegetation, to a particular area, so there is no need for fertilizers.
Planting, near natural waterways, acts as a natural filtering solution, that not only beautifies the landscape, but helps reduce water pollution.
Cities In Dire Need of Rain Garden Solutions
Philadelphia, is a city with some of the oldest combined storm and sewer infrastructure, in North America. Every year, billions of gallons of sewage and over-flow, from its 164 outfalls, makes its way to the city’s creeks, streams, and rivers during major rainstorms. The solution? Use rain gardens! Read the rest of this entry »