Goal For The Green

Para-education and green living information

Archive for the ‘Sustainability’ Category

The Greenest Places

Oct-4-2011 By Barbara Zak
The Earth flag is not an official flag, since ...

Image via Wikipedia

Special Thanks to Emma Stratford from Tripbase Travel, she knows that we here at Goal For The Green, focus on raising awareness on any and all types of green and sustainable issues. As a result, she sent me this article on the world’s most eco-friendly places, that I think might be of interest to you, for making any earth-friendly travel plans you may be considering.

Visit Tripbase.com here

In this concise overview, you will get to take a a look at the people and organizations striving to make the world a more sustainable place (from the most eco-friendly country and city right down to the most green home). Also, featured in the article is Masdar City – the ultimate exercise in zero-emission urban planning – and a little hideaway in Ireland, created almost entirely from the renewable materials surrounding it.

Emma and I hope you  enjoy this thought-provoking peek into the planet’s finest attempts at sustainability.

Another place you may want to add to your list is Bourgas, Bulgaria.  It is another beautiful destination to visit.  Be sure to Check here for flights to bourgas

Most of all enjoy your travels!

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Celebrate 10 Years With Upromise!

Sep-19-2011 By Barbara Zak

This is a Sponsored post written by me on behalf of UPromise for SocialSpark. All opinions are 100% mine.

This isn’t just any celebration.  To celebrate their 10th anniversary, Upromise is giving away $20,000 to users who share a story that tells how a parent has supported a child’s dream!  Over the last 10 years, Upromise members, have received more than $600 million in college savings through their rewards program, and  they want to celebrate all of the ways they have helped to fuel the sparks that made children into the people they are today, and help them to become the adults they will be in the near future.

UPromise_Brand_300x250_static.jpg (3 documents)


Members and users can participate in the sweepstakes by submitting a story.  Not a member yet?  Then go to the links below and join.  Then YOU can also vote on your favorite stories by “liking” them.  Upromise, will give away $1,000 to 10 lucky winners.  The grand prize winner in this contest by Sallie Mae, will receive  $10,000, and  will be selected from the participants as well.   Be sure to check here and follow the dream wall official rules  .  Then go here www.upromisetodream.com  to join, share and dream.

My grand-daughter has been in gymnastics since she was eighteen months old.  She is now almost 11.  She has been competing for the last two years, and is now in her third season competing at level 7.  She plans on going to the 2016 Olympics, and I have NO doubt by her goals and how driven she is, that she will get there.  She has her life planned out, and would love to have a tutor in high school, and work toward a gymnastics  scholorship for college.  I would love to see her reach and attain all her dreams.

Upromise invites YOU to join the movement, share your experiences, and give a little spark to help fuel the flame of future dreams, for a special child in your life. There are many ways to start saving for that college fund, by shopping, dining out, or any number of things you are probably already doing. Be sure to check the FAQ’s and get your questions answered.  Then, Upromise to start making a difference today.  A little help can make a big difference, when it matters, and education matters!

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Bringing Home the Bacon- From the Bakken!

Sep-10-2011 By Barbara Zak
Williston basin outlined. Canadian shield is r...

Image via Wikipedia

Bring home the bacon from the Bakken

Are you one of the millions of people, who are still unemployed, and wondering how you are going to bring home the bacon? We’ve all heard the many stories about the people and places struggling just to hang on, or keep their doors open for business.  Just this week, we heard President Obama, present his jobs plan, but it has to pass through the Congress, and well, who knows how much longer that will take.  People are tired of waiting for answers, to the worst economic crisis in decades.  It’s time to be bringing home the bacon again!

In spite of all the doom and gloom, there is an American city, experiencing an economic BOOM.  YUP, these are boom times in North Dakota!

Where’s the Bakken?

So, where is the Bakken?  It’s in the  town of Williston, North Dakota, and there are jobs everywhere.  The problem is, there are not enough people there, to fill all the jobs that are available. This is happening almost nowhere else in the country, so many jobs, there aren’t enough people to fill them. “Help Wanted” signs are everywhere. They have the lowest unemployment rate in the country at 3.2 percent, and they ARE bring home the bacon.  So, what’s it all about?

What’s the Bakken?

Back in November, 2008, I wrote the post What’s the Bakken.  There’s billions of barrels of oil inside a rock formation called the Bakken. The formation located in the Williston Basin, stretches for 14,000 square miles in North Dakota, Montana and parts of Canada. It is more commonly referred to as “the Bakken.”  The formation was discovered decades ago, however, we only recently have accessed the massive reserves located there.  It is estimated that there are a minimum, of 500 billion barrels of light sweet crude, that can be produced from the Bakken.  That is a resource base worth at least $5.3 trillion. They are bringing home the bacon from the Bakken!

The irony of this story is, YOU can find a job.  Some, that even pay around $100k a year, but, you can’t find a place to live. The area is new to the growth and BOOM, it is experiencing. Currently, there are people building houses, but, they are sleeping in campers, and going to work. Even hotels are being built, to house the newcomers to the Bakken area.

Thousands of trucks overwhelm the country roads, and wide open spaces, on a daily basis.  Williston, the town at the center of the Bakken oil boom, is frantically trying to respond to the overwhelming growth and demand. It is estimated that in less than two years, the area will have hundreds of homes, thousands of apartments, a school and even a mall.  The ripple effect is enormous, and across hundreds of miles, there will be many new towns, and developments cropping up, to accommodate the needs of those new to the area of the Bakken.

Who would guess, that there is a Wal-Mart, that sells out of items every day? The Williston McDonald’s, is one of the busiest in the country, paying $15 an hour, to attract workers.  These jobs, have people coming from as far away as California, Texas, and Alaska, and soon to be from everywhere, in the U.S. Employers are paying double and triple the average wage, to get the help they need.  Since 2004, oil production in North Dakota’s Bakken region, has increased on an average of 22% per year.  Last year, North Dakota ranked 4th, out of our 31 oil producing states.  Proof, they are binging home the bacon from the Bakken!

I’m not saying that oil is the answer to our economic woes. However, this is like opening a gold mine. It can at least lead us to oil independence, and put many American’s back to work.  I can’t help but believe, that the Bakken holds many more answers to our energy and economic crisis, than just oil. It at the very least, is a great place to start the journey toward putting people back to work, energy and foreign oil independence, and conservation.  We can be bringing home more than bacon from the Bakken!

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