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Archive for the ‘Energy’ Category

Review: Fear No Numbers

May-22-2014 By Barbara Zak

Fear No Numbers-How to Multiply or Divide and Always Get it Right, is a new confidence boosting math book by Jose Paul Moretto , available through Outskirts Press.

This is NOT just another Math book, but instead a solid base and groundwork for Math
success-NO kidding. To me, it is more of a “reboot button” of self confidence for doing simple math, like multiplication and division BEFORE turning to the use of a calculator. I like the fact that this is a fun way to use our brain without being plugged into a device for the answer.


Math (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

As you may know, FEAR stands for False Evidence Appearing Real. Yet,it is NO secret many of us have struggled with math to the point of developing severe anxiety in an attempt to grasp the concepts.  Success in math is more about mindset than it is about numbers.

Jose Moretto, was fortunate enough to have a teacher in his life, who really opened his eyes to the world of math. Through his experiences, we can now see math in a new light, put away our FEAR, and open our minds to be successful.

In Fear No Numbers, he introduces us to two unique systems, that allow us to easily check our multiplication and division solutions easily with or without a calculator. The methods used are the Proof by 9 System and the MaXima System (both systems are trademarked).

The book is designed to help students and some adults, look at simple math basics with new confidence. Words and how the principles of math were presented to us, may have led to confusion for some of us, but in the end “numbers never lie.”

We can be thankful for the efforts and hard work of the geniuses before us, like Pathagoras, who was one of the founders of mathematics.  He believed that a”balanced world was based on the principles of math.” He was also and adept practitioner of logic, which led to his infinite wisdom.

Mathematics has been the cornerstone of most of all our technological, scientific and artistic advances throughout history. It is the root of most all of our major disciplines, such as science, music, architecture, medicine, aviation, electronic, engineering, economics, and the list goes on. Yet, we come to realize that all of the disciplines are rooted in logic, philosophy and math. Reasoning is the basis of logic, and logic leads to philosophy which fuels wisdom. So, as you can see all these principle relate to each other and show us that logic is the key to success in math.  The only limitations to our success in math are those that we place upon ourselves.

I was one of those people who struggled with math. However, I think my struggles had a lot to do with how math was taught to me. It is important for us to use our brains a little bit, without becoming dependent on calculators to do the work for us.  This method is easy, and should be the groundwork for how math is taught in schools.

I plan on sharing this method with my granddaughter, who will be learning multiplication and division in the fourth grade in school next year. The idea is to give her a much simpler way to grasp the fundamentals of math in a fun, rather than fearful way.  I believe NO other curriculum is necessary because Fear No Numbers, helps those of us who use it and learn it, to see and use numbers in a more user friendly way.


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3 Pests To Scourge Immediately

May-18-2014 By Barbara Zak

While pests of all kinds are a nuisance, there are certain species that should be eradicated immediately before they begin breeding in earnest and taking over your home. For the protection of your property and the health of its residents, here are three pests that should be killed on sight.

Ants and Aphids, Backlit

Ants and Aphids, Backlit (Photo credit: binux)

1: Ants

A single ant colony can house more than 500,000 ants, so this isn’t a pest problem that you should ignore. As soon you notice the tell-tale trails winding behind your refrigerator or into your cupboards, start spraying the mounds and caulking the cracks in your walls.

2: Bed Bugs

These creepy crawlies live in your mattress and suck your blood while you’re asleep. They’re notoriously difficult to remove, often requiring the total replacement of your bedding, which makes it extremely important that you don’t brush off the signs of an infestation. You might just save yourself hundreds of dollars in furniture if you act fast.

3: Mice

Rodents breed more quickly than almost any other mammal, so if you’ve noticed gnaw marks on table legs or mice droppings around the counters, don’t hesitate to pull out the pesticide. You’ll need to make a decisive strike at these vermin before they multiply and outnumber you.

These are just three pests that can destroy the sanctity of your home. Act quickly as soon as you spot them so they won’t form a stronghold within your walls! If you need assistance with the extermination process, professional pest control companies can help. You”ll be happy to know that you can find pest control services online and in your area.


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A Look at Where Our Energy Goes

Apr-12-2014 By Barbara Zak

The Electric Slide (Infographic) | Where Americas Energy Goes
Presented by Americantrainco.com