Goal For The Green

Para-education and green living information

Archive for the ‘Energy’ Category

BP and The Government!

Aug-28-2010 By Barbara Zak
Bloomington, Minnesota May 31, 2010 People gat...
Image via Wikipedia

When, it come to politics, I tend to take an impartial attitude, but on the other hand, this may turn out to be somewhat of a rant.

Since the BP oil spill in April, the U.S. government has  talked about the toughness, it would exercise  in regard to the incident, with President  Obama, wondering about whose A$$ to kick.

However, privately, our government, worked hand-in-hand with the oil giant, to cap the runaway Deep Water Horizon Gulf well. They chose to effectively become, the company’s banker — allowing future drilling revenues, to potentially be used as collateral, for a victim compensation fund. Many residents and business’s in the gulf, are still in distress, waiting on claims, to be paid to them.  Many others, are just closing the doors, period!

Now, with the BP disaster, largely off the front pages, there’s worry, from residents and business people alike, that BP could just get a slap on the wrist, from its behind-the-scenes partner, our government. Read the rest of this entry »

Where Are Those “Green” Jobs?

Aug-21-2010 By Barbara Zak
A National Institutes of Energy
Image by Third Way via Flickr

During those early days, of the Obama administration, environmentalists believed, they had found the message to carry them to victory.  The stage was set, on what promised to be a grueling debate, over energy and climate policy. The topic was, and still is this: At a time of soaring unemployment, (which is still the case), a climate bill, would create thousands, or millions of new “clean energy, or green” jobs.  So, where are these jobs?  You may have noticed signs, along the road, in your area, stating, where your tax dollars are going.  Funny, thing is, the money was spent on the signs, not on fixing the ROADS.  So much, for our stimulus dollars at work,  but NOT, our people being EMPLOYED!

Climate activists spent 18 months, and millions of dollars, Read the rest of this entry »

Need Help With Your Marketing?

Aug-9-2010 By Barbara Zak

Perhaps, you are somewhat new to marketing.  Even if you’re not, this is the best marketing program, I have come across, in the last two years or more, since I have been searching on the web.  What I love about it, is there is a price for everyone’s budget, and everything is conveniently located in one spot, in one powerful system. Saves you time, money, and hours of marketing effort.


Comf5, has an extensive set of tools that include html and video enabled email service, a content management system (CMS), for online storage of all forms of media, Read the rest of this entry »