Goal For The Green

Para-education and green living information

Archive for the ‘Energy’ Category

A Tiny Alternative

Dec-5-2010 By Barbara Zak

As you may know, I use to live, in a dome home.  I would love to live in one again, but, I’m also happy in my current home.  Another type of home, I’m interested in, and had you explore with me, was an Earthship .  The truth is, I love browsing the web for alternative, affordable, and most importantly, sustainable ways to live.

The aftermath of the  real estate bust, and a down economy, may have placed, a tiny bright spot in the housing market.  As a way to save money, or simplify their lives, a small but growing number of Americans, are buying or building homes, that could fit inside many people’s, current living rooms, according to entrepreneurs, in the small house industry. Thus, giving a new meaning to downsizing.


“It’s very un-American, in the sense that living small, means consuming less,”  according to Jay Shafer,  the 46 year old, co-founder of the Small House Society. “Living in a small house like this, really entails knowing what you need to be happy and getting rid of everything else.” Read the rest of this entry »

131 Years Off the Mark!

Nov-20-2010 By Barbara Zak
Illustration: Different types of renewable energy.
Image via Wikipedia

The economic recession, and decreased support for strict environmental regulation, may threaten the green movement, or put  a “green” future on hold.  Or, it could make a strong declaration, that the cheapest and easiest path of pumping more oil, instead of spending money, to develop alternative energy sources, is the WRONG, path to be on.

According, to a recent study and economic predictions, it seems it maybe, panic time for both green enthusiasts and peak oil pundits.


As of November 13, 2010, special thanks goes to  Dian L. Chu, Economic Forecasts & Opinions, for the following information, being shared here.

A new paper, by two researchers at the University of California – Davis, says it would take 131 YEARS, for replacement of GASOLINE  and DIESEL, given the current pace of research and development.  However, Read the rest of this entry »

I’m Seeing GREEN!

Nov-9-2010 By Barbara Zak

This is the kind of information, I love receiving, and sharing.  It makes me happy, and puts a big “green” smile on my face.  Now, if this kind of program, can take hold nationwide, that would be even BETTER! In Colchester, VT. on  November 04, 2010, Green Mountain Power, flipped the switch Read the rest of this entry »