Why Do Some Homes Sell Faster Than Others?
You may be asking yourself that very question of, Why Do Some Homes Sell Faster Than Others, if you have been trying to sell your home in this troubling economy.
So, with that thought in mind, I’d like to share a new green infographic with you from 1Bog entitled : Why Some Homes Sell Faster. The infographic examines how energy-efficient features can make your home more appealing to buyers. 
Why Do Some Homes Sell Faster Than Others, and Your home is not selling?
Why Do Some Home Sell Faster Than Others, and Your home not selling? That is another troubling question, especially when you needed to sell your home months ago. You are not alone. Currently, there is an estimated 12 million mortgages underwater in the United States. That means, they owe more than their property is valued at. To top it off, of those 12 million people, 30 percent are in default, facing foreclosure,and with NO hope of turning their financial picture around. To add insult to injury, the vast majority of people, could not sell their home today, for what they paid for it, or even hope to break even. So, many people are just walking away.
Why Do Some Homes Sell Faster Than Others?
Can making upgrades help you sell your home faster? You may be asking, Why would I want to make upgrades to my house, if I’m NOT going to be living in it? The truth is, those upgrades can help you sell your house faster. If you are in a position to spend a little money and make a few upgrades, to either hang on to your home, or make it more attractive to a potential buyer. The effort to make everything fresh and clean, can help you sell your home faster. Whatever your reason for staying or going, this chart can be of great help to you, and help you answer, Why Do Some Homes Sell Faster Than Others?
No matter what your situation is, it is the time of year, to check everything from the condition of your roof, to where you may have energy leaks, that are costing you money. Simply, changing the filter on your heater, whether you use gas or electric heat, can save you money on your bill. Even,what type of window coverings you have can make a difference on your energy costs, as well as, answer Why Do Some Homes Sell Faster Than Others?
There are many useful tips and ideas on this infographic, on Why Do Some Homes Sell Faster Than Others? It can save you time, money and headaches, if you are trying to sell your house. Would you have thought that even, how you word your ad, can make a huge difference to the potential buyer, and your bottom line, when it comes to selling your home?
It doesn’t have to cost you a fortune to give your home curb appeal, or a face lift. Small changes and tweeks to your decor, can be just the right answer. Just painting an area in a fresh neutral, color can add charm and make the difference, to a potential buyer.
There are plenty of good tips and advice offered here in this infographic. So, if you are looking to sell, become more energy efficient, price your home, or stage it to sell, there is a wealth of useful information and helpful tips to be found in this handy chart, on Why Do Some Homes Sell Faster Than Others?
Here also are a few related articles to help you discover and answer the question, Why Do Some Homes Sell Faster Than Others?