Goal For The Green

Para-education and green living information

Archive for the ‘Energy’ Category

Educational Opportunities For A Green Future

Educational Opportunities for a green future are out there. However, if you are frustrated and thinking about starting your life over, I’m sure you have heard of the opportunity available in North Dakota, where you can be Bringing Home the Bacon from The Bakken!

It is no longer a secret, as mentioned in President Obama’s State of the Union Speech, that the North Dakota Oil Boom is creating jobs, wealth and unbelievable growth, on a scale not seen in the last 4o years.  Now, three years into this boom, it has attracted thousands of workers, with thousands more needed.  The problem has become, keeping up with the growth and demanding infrastructure needed, to deal with that growth and new influx of people. They are, and have been screaming for help, especially if you have skills in the construction field.  New towns and cities are developing from scratch , back there in no-where land.

Wind turbines (Vendsyssel, Denmark, 2004)

Image via Wikipedia

Educational Opportunities – Construction Management

However, if the frigid climate, is not your style, or quite what you had in mind, then perhaps, you might want to consider the educational opportunities available with  a Bachelor’s Degree from Westwood College, in Construction Trades.  Westwood College, is a member of the U.S. Green Building Coucil, and can help you enhance your green future with a Construction Management Degree.

Educational Opportunities- Wind Energy Training and Solar Careers

More great educational opportunities, are offered from Redstone College, in the area of Wind Energy Training .  In as little as 15 months, you could earn your Associates Degree, and be working on wind turbine towers.  There will be a need for technicians to install and operate these turbines as the industry expands.

Then of course, there is Boots On The Roof, where you can get it all, in a solar career.  They excel in training and certification for the solar industry.  They offer various solar training bootcamps for electricians and entrepreneurs, interested in starting their own solar business, or updating their skills and becoming solar certified. You can check at my prior post, and learn more about how you can Put Your Green Boots on the Roof! and the educational opportunities offered in an energy development career.

The purpose of this post, is to give you hope and unique educational opportunities, that can lead to a profitable green future, with an energy development career.  I hope you look over these educational opportunities, and explore a green future of working toward a better tomorrow.

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MatchBooks – A Great Idea!

Jan-20-2012 By Barbara Zak

This is a Sponsored post written by me on behalf of MatchBook for SocialSpark. All opinions are 100% mine.

Everyone knows, collage education is expensive these days. So,if you’re paying for college or know somebody who is, you know what I’m talking about. Paying tuition is just part of the financial strain, that forces many students to live on a tight budget. That’s not all, the financial expense can put a strain on the entire family. Then, to add to that, there is the expense of books each quarter. Textbooks can be very costly, especially when students need to spend $100-$200 for just one textbook. That’s more than $1,000 a year,  in out of pocket expense. It can definitely be a huge hit to the wallet and pain point for students on a tight budget (and their families). It can even make a difference in attending or not attending classes.

Now, you can breathe easier and keep attending those classes. Thanks to MatchBooks. Their mission is simple but powerful: Matching Your Textbooks (content) so You Can Read for FREE!

                                                     Using Myer’s PsychologyTextbook? | READ FREE!

Here’s how it works: Let’s say you are taking General/Intro Psychology (101) this Spring semester, and the assigned book is “Psychology” Myers 9th edition. MatchBooks, has a FREE “matched book” for Myers Psych, that you can read online, with NO expiration date and NO fee!  You don’t even have to go anywhere to get the information you need, when you need it.

The team at Matchurbook.com starts with a high-quality open textbook. Then, they match it to the expensive book being used in a large “intro” course, like psychology.  MatchBooks, then follows the same chapter order, covers the same topics per chapter, and includes the same key terms as the assigned textbook, giving you a “matched book” that you can read for FREE online!  In many cases, you can even take psychology classes at home online, and just go in for testing. I did!  Even better, NOW you can do it all online, the entire course.  What makes MatchBooks even better is, you don’t need to worry about getting your copy.  I can recall, having to wait for a shipment to arrive of the course book I needed, and class had already started!  Just another reason, MatchBooks is such an amazing concept.

In the example here, the MatchBook team took, Introduction to Psychology by Charles Stangor, and rearranged the content to match the order of topics in the ninth edition of Psychology by David Myers. MatchBook for Myers Psych, is the very first MatchBook created. Students, you will want to be among the first to check it out at matchurbook.com.

Early reviews by both students and professors, are very positive, with more MatchBooks coming later this year, in different subjects.

Professors always take great care in selecting the right textbook for the courses they teach. There’s no question that students need access to the assigned textbooks to do well in class. But, the good news is, if students aren’t buying textbooks because they can’t afford them, MatchBooks is there to help!

MatchBooks, represent the best of all worlds: high quality textbooks written by great authors, that are matched to the assigned textbooks. MatchBooks, are published under a Creative Commons open license, which makes it possible for students to read online for FREE!  NO catch and NO expiration date.

Matchurbook.com is a project of Flat World Knowledge on Facebook, the world’s largest publisher of free and open college textbooks. Be sure to like them on Facebook.  MatchBooks, is here to make a difference in meeting your educational goals!

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“Who Cares About This Planet?” – Challenge

Back on November 1, 2011, I wrote this post entitled “Who Cares About This Planet?” -Challenge.  The challenge was announced by Planet People, inviting you to enter your own environmentally friendly and innovative projects or ideas, that could make an impact your community, and show Who Cares About This Planet.

“Who Cares About This Planet?” – Winner

Below is the press release and announcement of the winner.



His Eco-Friendly Workplace Idea Submission Receives Highest Number of Fan Votes to win the challenge.

Toronto, Canada—(January 18, 2011) – Planet People, a manufacturer of innovative and sustainable cleaning products, today announces Vikas Malhotra, as the grand prize winner of the “Who cares about this Planet?” Challenge.

In early November, the Challenge asked for submissions of creative and innovative environmentally sustainable project ideas that can make a sustainable impact within their communities.  Five finalists were selected by an Advisory Committee in December, and fans were asked to vote for their favorite finalists by January 12, on the iQ Facebook Page.

The winning entry was submitted by Vikas Malhotra, resident of Brampton, Ontario with a passion to encourage environmental living in both his home and his workplace.  His submission introduces incentive-based programs for carpooling and encourages using online billing to reduce paper waste. He also creates incentives for individuals to remove wasteful, non-recyclable materials from the workplace.  As the winner of the Challenge, Mr. Malhotra will be awarded $1,000 to help bring his idea to fruition.

“Who Cares About This Planet?” – inaugural challenge

“As the inaugural ‘Who Cares About This Planet?’ Challenge, we are both inspired and proud of all those who submitted an entry,” said Eric Green, Planet People President. “Mr. Malhotra, has a fantastic idea that will not only create a more sustainable workplace, but one that will also inspire others to take on his mission. We congratulate Mr. Malhotra for this achievement.”

The Challenge, follows the company’s 2011 launch of iQ, a line of household cleaning products that questioned conventional cleaning with innovative packaging that allows consumers to reduce plastic waste by over 80%. The Challenge Advisory Committee, consisting of leaders in the environmental sector, that includes the CEO of Green Living, eco-journalists from Mother Nature Network, and a representative from Planet People, judged submissions based on iQ’s core values that stress innovation, creativity, and sustainable impact at a community level.

“What people don’t realize is that if everyone put in a little bit of effort, towards something that will help our planet, we could all make the world a better place,” said Malhotra. “Thanks to this grant, I can start doing that at work, hopefully driving change here and eventually implementing the plan in my community as well.”

To support the “Who cares about this Planet?” Challenge, Planet People worked with Made Wade and filmmakers, Eighteen Eighty, an emerging Toronto based Spoken Word artist, to create a thought provoking short film that expresses the conflict between concern and ignorance for our planet. Here is the  “Who cares about this Planet?” short film, created by Made Wade.  It is both eye opening and truthful! So, “Who Cares About this Planet?”  Hopefully, we all do, as we work toward many greener tomorrows, and show the world Who Cares About This Planet.