Goal For The Green

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Archive for the ‘Energy’ Category

Time to Check Your Heating Ducts

Sep-20-2013 By Barbara Zak

Those coughing, sneezing, watery eye symptoms you get this fall may not herald the onset of cold and flu season after all. There’s another possible culprit, but it isn’t contagious and it’s easily managed, once you know what it is.

You see, school children aren’t the only ones who take the summers off; your heating system also gets to take a break. However, while you’re out enjoying the beautiful weather, trouble-makers are taking up residence in your duct work during the time your heater stands idle. We’re talking about a build-up of dust, mold and other allergens that accumulate during your heating system’s down-time. There’s an easy solution to tackling the problem at the beginning of cold weather season, and keeping it under control for the duration.

English: flexible ducting

English: flexible ducting (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Before you crank up the heat, have the duct work cleaned by a professional, like those at duct cleaning Oakville. Make certain that you arrange this cleaning during a time when you and your family can vacate the house for a little while, as the process releases a large amount of allergens into the air at first.

After the cleaning process is finished, you can have the furnace fitted with a filtration system. There are disposable filters that you can change once a month, or a permanent HEPA filter can be installed. Make sure you remove it and clean it periodically to get rid of dust build-up and eliminate blockages that reduce the efficiency of your heating system. Apartment dwellers who don’t have access to their building’s furnace can find small filters that fit right over their heating vents.

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Texas Wildlife Management

Sep-14-2013 By Barbara Zak

They say things are “bigger and better” in Texas.  After reading this, you just may agree.

Landmark Wildlife Management LLC., is a biologist-owned and operated company whose mission is to provide Texas landowners with land and wildlife management expertise. Their services are designed to enhance the wildlife, recreational, watershed, economic,and enjoyment values of their clients most cherished asset – their land. The Landmark wildlife management Texas, is a team of biologists and field technicians that recognizes the importance of acquiring and retaining wildlife tax valuations in allowing landowners to meet their property goals.

Journal of Wildlife Management

Journal of Wildlife Management (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

They believe that all landowners should have direct contact with their own wildlife biologist who knows their land and property goals. Clients should feel free to contact their assigned biologist with any wildlife management questions or concerns.

At Landmark Wildlife Management, they feel so strongly about this that they only utilize wildlife biologist with a Masters degree. The advice offered to clients’ is based on extensive ecology & wildlife management research including the most recent findings. One of the most essential roles of this advice is to make this knowledge available to landowners in both a useful and meaningful way.

Landmark Wildlife Management wants you to know that they will never disclose information about landowner properties to any individuals, companies, or governmental entities. All findings and discussions are strictly confidential between you and your biologist. You can be assured that all landowner inquiries will be answered promptly and work products and services will be completed on or before stated deadlines.

It is no secret that exotic animal ownership has greatly increased in abundance over the last few decades. Many landowners have a strong interest in owning and raising them. Landmark Wildlife’s priority will always be towards Texas’ native game and non-game animals. However, Landmark Wildlife recognizes the right of landowners to manage their properties in a way that suits them. While they will readily offer their professional wildlife management expertise, ultimate decisions are always in the hands of the landowners.

Landmark understands and believes that wildlife management is not for everyone, and that Texas would be worse off economically without ranching and farming. Food production provided by Texas’ agriculture sector is essential to our nations economy, health, and well-being.

Good business is built on strong relationships. Landmarks approach to wildlife exemption services relies on positive, long-lasting relationships with those who administer wildlife exemption statutes, and to landowners. To be the strongest landowner advocates and thereby agreeing to meet state laws, Landmark Wildlife Management has Senior Property Tax Consultant certification. Together they are all working toward greener tomorrows.

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Advanced Geosciences, Inc.

Sep-6-2013 By Barbara Zak

If you are a builder or the head of a construction company, it is important that you know about all of the laws that regulate your profession before you begin working. For example, you need to know how close you can build to the property line or what you need to do to keep from encroaching on the neighbor’s land.

Relative contribution of the land surface area...

Relative contribution of the land surface area to the flux for two different measurement heights at near-neutral stability. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

You also need to know about the building codes so that your building will pass the inspection. The laws are always changing and shifting, some of them having to do with how you design the buildings and others having to do more with the materials that you use, so it is wise to stay on top of all of these changes so that a law is not accidentally broken.

One thing to consider is that you have to survey the land before you start. This takes into account not only the surface area, but what is under the surface. You are required to take soil samples, and you could also use geophysical equipment from Advanced Geosciences, Inc. to map out the soil and rock formations that are hidden underground. This way, you know that you are building on a safe surface.

In all reality, this step should probably be taken even before the person who you are doing the project for decides to buy the land. The lot needs to be certified as a build-able lot before the work can begin, and the ground survey is part of getting this permission.

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