Goal For The Green

Para-education and green living information

Archive for the ‘Education’ Category

Educational Opportunities For A Green Future

Educational Opportunities for a green future are out there. However, if you are frustrated and thinking about starting your life over, I’m sure you have heard of the opportunity available in North Dakota, where you can be Bringing Home the Bacon from The Bakken!

It is no longer a secret, as mentioned in President Obama’s State of the Union Speech, that the North Dakota Oil Boom is creating jobs, wealth and unbelievable growth, on a scale not seen in the last 4o years.  Now, three years into this boom, it has attracted thousands of workers, with thousands more needed.  The problem has become, keeping up with the growth and demanding infrastructure needed, to deal with that growth and new influx of people. They are, and have been screaming for help, especially if you have skills in the construction field.  New towns and cities are developing from scratch , back there in no-where land.

Wind turbines (Vendsyssel, Denmark, 2004)

Image via Wikipedia

Educational Opportunities – Construction Management

However, if the frigid climate, is not your style, or quite what you had in mind, then perhaps, you might want to consider the educational opportunities available with  a Bachelor’s Degree from Westwood College, in Construction Trades.  Westwood College, is a member of the U.S. Green Building Coucil, and can help you enhance your green future with a Construction Management Degree.

Educational Opportunities- Wind Energy Training and Solar Careers

More great educational opportunities, are offered from Redstone College, in the area of Wind Energy Training .  In as little as 15 months, you could earn your Associates Degree, and be working on wind turbine towers.  There will be a need for technicians to install and operate these turbines as the industry expands.

Then of course, there is Boots On The Roof, where you can get it all, in a solar career.  They excel in training and certification for the solar industry.  They offer various solar training bootcamps for electricians and entrepreneurs, interested in starting their own solar business, or updating their skills and becoming solar certified. You can check at my prior post, and learn more about how you can Put Your Green Boots on the Roof! and the educational opportunities offered in an energy development career.

The purpose of this post, is to give you hope and unique educational opportunities, that can lead to a profitable green future, with an energy development career.  I hope you look over these educational opportunities, and explore a green future of working toward a better tomorrow.

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Ancient and Historical Calendars for You!

Apr-17-2011 By Barbara Zak

Ancient and historical calendars for you

Special thanks to Joanna Martin of Online Schooling.net, for sending me this wonderful article, that covers all areas of ancient and historical calendars. The link will be on my blogroll, for further information and reference. It is our hope, that you find it both useful and helpful. You will find some other resourceful inks in the sidebar, while visiting there. Enjoy the read!

Illustration on the méxican ancient calendar f...

Image via Wikipedia

Ancient and historical calendars were created by ancient  civilizations

Ancient historical civilizations were interested and invested their time, in recording and measuring the passage of time. Seasons, months and years were dictated by the motion of the celestial bodies and would lead to the development of the modern day calendar.

Dating back 20,000 years, Read the rest of this entry »

Is an electric car in your future?

If you are in the market for an electric car then there is probably a good chance that you have been doing some reading recently. News regarding electric cars has been all over for the past year or so, and for good reason. New models are out, and these cars can help the country lose some of its dependency on oil while providing us with an alternative that is gentler on the environment. These latest-generation electric cars have better range and performance than ever before.

2011 Chevrolet Volt exhibited at the 2010 Wash...

Image via Wikipedia

Electric cars are the greenest of the personal transportation industry. They do not emit any (or much less) carbon emissions than their conventional counterparts, but they do utilize  questionable raw materials such as the metals that go into their batteries.  There are some major advantages to owning a green car but there are also some disadvantages. It is important to know all of them before you go out and make a purchase.

Advantages of owning an electric car

The greatest advantage of an electric car is obviously the complete lack of emissions (when running on battery power—some vehicles like the Chevy Volt, only run on batter power for the first 40 or so miles of driving then go gasoline-powered). A full electric vehicle, like the all-new 2011 Nissan Leaf, or Tesla Roadster however, will not even have an exhaust system, muffler or fuel tank. They do not use any fossil fuels internally. They are fueled completely by a rechargeable battery that does not have to be charged via a gas engine. With many hybrid cars, there is a gas engine to go along with the electric component. Which leads to another good point: people like electric-only cars is because they provide a very quiet ride. Read the rest of this entry »