Goal For The Green

Para-education and green living information

5 Green Gadgets To Buy

Mar-7-2008 By Barbara Zak

Here is a list of five inexpensive things that will help you save energy and money.

1. Compact fluorescent light bulbs: It is a fact that if every American household converted five regular light bulbs to five fluorescent bulbs, the energy saved would be equal to taking a million cars off the highway for a full year.  How is that for an ah-ha moment?

2. Outdoor Solar Lights: They don’t burn any electricity or use any CO2.

3. Programable Thermostats: A difference of just 2 degrees can reduce a homes CO2 emissions by up to 9% over the course of a year.

4. Air Filters: If you change the air filters in your heating and cooling system at least twice an year (Spring and Fall) of can knock off 2% of your homes CO2 emissions a year.  There will be less dust and chance for allergies and sickness as well.

5. Electric Hot Water Blankets: This small investment (about $18) can save you 41/2% on your power bill.

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