Businesses Benefit From Reducing Waste Packaging
Proper handling of waste packaging material can be more costly than most businesses
realize. When a company generates large amounts of cardboard and plastic waste during the course of its operations, it soon becomes apparent that merely wadding it up and stuffing it into a dustbin will not do the job
- Image via Wikipedia
QCR Recycling Equipment is one of several companies offering specially designed waste balers that compact unwanted packaging material into a more manageable size. Typically, a baling machine can reduce the bulk of waste by up to 90 percent, while a compactor can reduce it by up to 75 percent.
Businessesvary in size, and it is important to select a waste baler or compacter of the right size. A too-small baler will become overused very quickly, while one that is too large is a waste of space and money.
Speaking of money, many smaller companies, especially those just starting up, may not be in a position to invest in recycling machinery. In this case, it is possible to rent or lease a baler or compactor for as little as ?12 per week, a very affordable amount. Many companies also offer affordable financing plans for those businesses
interesting in purchasing their own equipment.
Ultimately, recycling waste properly is beneficial for the environment. A company dedicated to protecting the environment benefits from doing good on all levels.