Recycling Benefits
When you think about recycling, you might think about collecting cans or papers and taking them to a center so that they can be turned into something else. While this is what recycling involves, there are some other benefits to think about.
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Recycling will help decrease the debris that is found in the oceans. When there are plastics and other items in the oceans, the animals that live in the water can get hurt or become entangled in the items. You will also play a part in sending less waste to landfills when you recycle.
Almost anything that can be used for something else can be recycled. You can even recycle food that isn’t consumed by making a compost. This compost can be used to fertilize a garden so that it will grow and give you healthy foods to eat.
Instead of using trees and other natural resources for paper and other items on a daily basis, recycled materials can be used to make these. This will help keep the beauty of the land as it is intended so that others can see it in the future. The emission of greenhouse gases is also reduced, making the atmosphere a little healthier to breathe.