Goal For The Green

Para-education and green living information

Growing Green Year Round

Mar-21-2011 By Barbara Zak

Growing Spaces Growing Domes are the answer to growing green,  year round!

Now, you can grow green year round.  Homeowners, educators and communities are turning to the Growing Spaces Growing Domes, a Colorado Company, that was recently awarded the designation, of a company to watch.

Why Growing Spaces, is the perfect answer for your larger growing efforts.

As greater numbers of people, embrace sustainable and holistic lifestyles, we can  understand what it truly means for our planet and our personal well-being.  The Growing Dome, is a space “Where life thrives.”  It is a beautiful way, to grow green year round.

7 Reasons Why Growing Spaces Growing Domes are the Best

The design of the Growing Spaces Growing Dome, makes it the most energy efficient greenhouse kit, available. The design, creates a hobby greenhouse for indoor gardening year round.

The design creates a unique indoor growing environment for organic gardening.  It’s a greenhouse designed for both tropical and hardy plants. A geodesic dome greenhouse garden structure, from polycarbonate glazing, is suitable for indoor gardening, and year round organic gardening.

The Growing Spaces Greenhouse Design

The unique greenhouse design combination of these seven features makes the Growing Dome® the most advanced greenhouse kit design in the world. Here is more information on prices and sizes for the Growing Spaces Growing Domes.

1. High Quality geodesic glazing
The high quality POLYCARBONATE GLAZING is a clear, rigid translucent covering that allows 62% to 82% light transmission. It resists breakdown by ultraviolet light and harsh weather impacts, like hail. Life expectancy is over 20 years and both glazing densities come with a 10 year warranty by the manufacturer against yellowing and hail damage. You and your plants will love the soft diffused light inside!

The 8mm double wall glazing STANDARD carries an R value of 1.8
The 16mm, 5 wall or PREMIUM glazing is rated R 2.6 and is recommended for domes above 7000 feet altitude.

2. North Wall Insulation in the greenhouse
This helps keep the Dome cozy during the long winter nights, and reflects light evenly onto the plants for maximum growth. It provides shade in the summer and in combination with the water tank, helps prevent overheating, a unique greenhouse design feature.

3. Automatic Opening Window Vents design of the greenhouse window opener
Solar powered actuators, open the upper and lower vents at a preset temperature. Hot air escapes,from the top of the Dome, creating a “chimney” effect, drawing in cold air through the lower vents,which prevents overheating. The window vents close automatically,freeing you to go on vacation without worry.The larger domes, have solar powered or 110V cooling fans that are thermostatically controlled.

4. Water Tank
This unusual greenhouse design feature, a large water tank acts as the “Power Pack” of the Dome. The water mass, keeps the Dome warm in the winter, and cool in the summer, creating optimum environment for year ’round growth. It can be used as a beautiful space for aquatic plants and for growing fish.

5. Undersoil Heating System
A solar panel produces, electricity to power a fan, which blows hot air through pipes buried in the raised soil beds. Every day, when the sun shines, your soil is being heated. It also helps cool the greenhouse in the summer. This is a unique greenhouse design feature that makes year ’round growing a reality. Raised bed gardening is simple and easy on the back!

6. Insulated Foundation Wall
The Dome sits on a foundation wall, which raises the Dome up above the snow. This wall is insulated, to prevent the soil in the growing beds from freezing.The wall is lined with sheet metal on the inside and has a bottom plate of pressure treated lumber, for added longevity. Redwood or recycled plastic lumber options, are available,or also, a termite proof wall.

7. Perimeter Insulation
Prevents frost from penetrating under the wall of the Dome. The entire soil mass, maintains an even temperature, despite outside fluctuations. Most greenhouse designs, omit this invaluable feature.

The benefits of Growing Spaces Growing Dome greenhouse, goes beyond organic food and nutrition. Customers are now empowered, by the practicality, of little or no reliance on outside sources of energy. On many levels, an increase of self-reliance and independence, leads a person to a greater quality of life. In addition, the deeply nurturing contact with plants and nature’s cycles, is a reward for any age. Wellness thrives, from the nourishment and beauty in this lifestyle experience. Give Growing Spaces Growing Domes a try, and grow green year round.

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