Where Do You Stand?
At a time when our political environment, is fueled by discord, and with midterm elections looming, just hours away, there was a show in Washington, D.C. that proved, people can still work together.
Two comedians, Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert, kept most of their three-hour show, ” The Rally to Restore Sanity, ” to nonpartisan bits, musical entertainment, and gentle ribbing of the purported enemies of incivility, all with a gentle touch of humor. They successfully, gathered hundreds of thousands of people, who felt the need to come together as Americans.
At the end of the program, Stewart switched his black T-shirt and blazer, for a suit and tie. Stewart stated that, “the rally’s intended butt of the joke, was the level of discourse in Washington, D.C., and cable television’s hyperbolic 24-hour news cycle, of continuous coverage. Political affiliations aside, he said, everyone throughout the country found a way to work together.” That seems to be something, that has yet to happen, since Obama, has taken office. There seems to be a constant battle, between the Dems and GOP.
Between noon and 3 p.m., Stewart and Colbert, held forth from a stage on the opposite end, of the National Mall, from the Lincoln Memorial steps, where conservative commentator Glenn Beck, led a similarly vast crowd, two months ago. That rally, with its religious theme, of “Restoring Honor,” had conservative, political undertones, and is what prompted, Saturday’s satiric response.
The two rallies have provided a forum, for two entirely different television audiences, which have now,become self-identifying political communities.
Stewart, was speaking against the backdrop of the Capitol building. In earnest terms, that bordered on political rhetoric, he orated, “If we amplify everything, we hear nothing.”
Stewart was clear to point out that, “This was not a rally to ridicule people of faith, or people of activism, or to look down our noses at the heartland, or passionate argument, or to suggest that times are not difficult and we have nothing to fear. They are, and we do.”
“We live now in hard times, not end times. We can have animus, and not be enemies. But unfortunately, one of our main tools in delineating, and the two broke. The country’s 24-hour politico-pundit- perpetual-panic conflictor, did not cause our problems, but its existence makes solving them that much harder.”
So, enter in the political tone across the land, and you will notice, that the majority of people, DON’T feel that our VOICES are being heard, in Washington. Have you noticed, a lot of the big names in Washington, are traveling around the nation, to” Get Out the VOTE,” but NONE of the issues, facing are country, are even mentioned? What does that tell you about election reform, or non-partisanship? They are more concerned about their team winning!
I don’t know about you, but I would like to know about that plan, (if there is one), on how we will strengthen the Economy? What will we do, to give everyone a BETTER EDUCATION? After all, our children and grand children, will one day, run this country. When and how, are we going to break free, from too much government, and put the MILLIONS, of people back to work in GOOD jobs? OH, and what about ENERGY and GREEN JOBS? Ya, well today those topics, don’t seem to be open for discussion. All, I can say is, chose wisely, and be careful who, you vote for. Our Future and Our Childrens’ future depends on it!
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