BP and The Government!
- Image via Wikipedia
When, it come to politics, I tend to take an impartial attitude, but on the other hand, this may turn out to be somewhat of a rant.
Since the BP oil spill in April, the U.S. government has talked about the toughness, it would exercise in regard to the incident, with President Obama, wondering about whose A$$ to kick.
However, privately, our government, worked hand-in-hand with the oil giant, to cap the runaway Deep Water Horizon Gulf well. They chose to effectively become, the company’s banker — allowing future drilling revenues, to potentially be used as collateral, for a victim compensation fund. Many residents and business’s in the gulf, are still in distress, waiting on claims, to be paid to them. Many others, are just closing the doors, period!
Now, with the BP disaster, largely off the front pages, there’s worry, from residents and business people alike, that BP could just get a slap on the wrist, from its behind-the-scenes partner, our government. There likely could be a trickle down effect, to states hurt by the spill. They could be left holding the bag, waiting for payment, the just MIGHT not happen.
No one can say, that the people of the Gulf Coast, aren’t some of the most determined and resilient, people on the planet! I can’t help but think, that most of the people that live there, even NOW, five years, after Hurricane Katrina, can’t help but feel betrayed, by our government. Not once, BUT TWICE!
According to Billy Nungesser, president of Lousiana’s hard-hit Plaquemines Parish, “We were at war. You don’t go to war and hope people respond.” Both, the government and BP, could have been quicker to respond, to both Katrina, and the oil disaster. That is NO SECRET!
In the past few weeks, public messages from BP and the government, have been almost non existent. The government released a report, criticized by academic researchers, and some lawmakers, as painting too rosy a picture. Remember, they said that much of the oil released into the Gulf, is gone. They played, right into BP’s message and hand, that their unprecedented response effort, is working. A recent AP poll shows, that BP’s image, which took a beating after the oil spill, is recovering. However, the oil is NOT gone. A plume was found, that is at least one mile wide, and 22 miles long. But, they didn’t want us to know that.
If you recall early on, BP was the recipient of some tough talk, from the government. It was in early June, when President Barack Obama’s on-air comment about “whose ass to kick,” hit the air-waves. Not even a week later, BP executives, encouraged White House officials, at a meeting in Washington, to back off on the rhetoric. They reminded our government, that a bankrupt company pays NO bills. This, according to a person, who was briefed on the details of the meeting, and spoke on condition of anonymity, because of the sensitivity of the talks. Hence, the twisting of BP’s arm, to make that huge deposit, to pay claims. Much of the money, is still in the bank.
Now, that the well has been capped, and most of the work is near completion, the crisis is shifting from response to recovery. Of course, the focus will be on who’s to blame, and how much they should pay. The BP-government partnership, raises many questions about the government’s ability to be impartial, in dishing out punishment, for the worst offshore oil spill in U.S. history.
Congress and the Justice Department are investigating, and various government agencies, will be determining how much BP and others should, pay in fines, for the April 20th explosion that killed 11 workers. The disaster, spilled 206 million gallons of oil, into the Gulf of Mexico.
The amount of spilled oil alone, could mean a fine of up to $21 billion, if BP is found to have committed gross negligence, and criminal charges could be in order if negligence is found.
According to Senator Mary Landrieu, D-La.,the $21 billion figure is important to the Gulf. She, is pushing for legislation that would require, at least 80 percent, of the civil and criminal penalties charged to BP, under the Clean Water Act, be returned to the Gulf Coast, for long-term economic and environmental recovery. This legislation, is exactly as it should be.
Recently, I stated in a prior post, that since the BP oil disaster, it’s NO small wonder Oil and fossil fuels, will never be a dead issue, in this country. There is too much, BIG money tied up in it. I think this article proves my point.
If the government, reaches a settlement with BP, on fines that are significantly lower, or lean to the criminal side, or even, lets them off too easy, that could and would, rub a lot of Americans the wrong way, and rightfully so. On the other hand, if the government comes down too hard on BP, that could hurt the government’s interests, because BP’s financial health, and its ability to meet its spill obligations, are tied together.
Then,there are also other BIG OIL companies’ interests, to consider. TransOcean, is the owner of the rig that exploded, and Anadarko Petroleum, is a minority owner of the undersea well. They are looking to protect themselves, by shifting blame to BP, while BP, also will be looking to shift blame, back on them. The entire oil and gas industry will be watching closely to see if BP’s, ace in the hole strategy, and its relationship with the federal government pays off. The citizens of the Gulf Coast, will be waiting and watching to see, if they will receive their just DUE, as the blame game continues!
The ties that bind BP and the government together, started forming soon after the rig explosion. BP and the government, also worked together to control media access. In early August, on the day of the so-called static kill operation, where mud, and later cement was pumped into the runaway well from the top. The Coast Guard and BP, coordinated access for The Associated Press, to board the Helix Q4000 vessel. They were accompanied by an AP reporter, and photographer, on a BP-chartered helicopter to the vessel. There were six BP employees, and a Coast Guard liaison. A photographer working for the White House, also was aboard.
When, asked if independent industry experts could have been brought in, to work on the response instead of BP, this was the response from Retired Coast Guard Adm. Thad Allen, “Replace them with who?”
Thad Allen, is the government’s point man on the spill response. He told the AP, that the complexity of the response, and technical know-how required, made BP the natural partner. “That may seem a little bit at odds, and maybe not well understood, by the American public, or even some leaders, but it is in fact, how we have been managing oil spills in this country for 20 years. The government doesn’t have the competence, or capacity to deal with drilling a relief well, and the type of technology it takes,” Allen said.
NOW, it should become clear to you, how we elect people into office, in this country. Remember, all the talk about election reform, and campaign funds. You may have been wondering, if your vote counts. I say probably NOT,your vote was BOUGHT. Big business, has everything to do, with who is in office, across the board. Haven’t you noticed? It’s who has the biggest wallet! This is just more CRAP -meaning, Corporate Residual Accumulated Pollution, and too much government! What happened to for the PEOPLE, and BY the People?
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