Have You Rebooted?
- Image via Wikipedia
No, I don’t mean your computer. There there’s a good website called -haveUrebooted.com, where you can get a free mail-in label or find a drop- off location near you.
Did you know cell phones are one of the least recycled electronics in the world? Over 100 million go out of use every year in the US alone. They are horrible for the environment, if they get thrown away, and every part of them can be recycled.
Many of us reboot, when we upgrade or change carriers. Most of the cell phone stores are drop-off locations, or are participating in the reboot program. So, why reboot? Well, it’s free and easy, it’s green and good for the environment, and it saves energy. When you recycle your cell phone, it helps recover valuable materials used in the manufacturing process. It also helps prevent unnecessary mining of these raw materials, that can be reused.
The EPA has targeted recycling cell phones, because as hard as it may be to believe, only 10% of all cell phones are recycled each year. This is because most people don’t know where to recycle them. By recycling cell phones, we are making a significant contribution to help save the environment. It is also beneficial to those in need, even our soldiers overseas. In fact, recycling just a million cell phones, reduces greenhouse gas emissions, equivalent to taking 33 cars off the road for a year. A “green” step in the right direction.
At haveurebooted.com, you can host a reboot fundraiser for your organization, or you can request to have a reboot drop-off box at your place of business. You can even register to win reboot gift cards, valued at up to $500! But, it doesn’t end there. You can get your creative juices flowing, and create an original commercial about recycling cellphones. Then, you post it in response to the HaveUrebooted video at You-tube. If your video is chosen, you could win a Dell laptop!
So, clean out your junk drawer, recycle (reboot) that old cell phone, and get creative, and most of all have FUN! Here’s to you and working toward a better tomorrow!