Put Your Green Boots On The Roof !
My first post of the year was entitled “There’s Green Boot On The Roof.” At Boots On The Roof, they offer various solar training bootcamps for electricians and entrepreneurs interested in starting their own solar business, or updating their skills and becoming solar certified.
Boots on the Roof, delivers top-quality market-ready training programs for solar energy industry professionals. They are the solar energy training division of Unitek Education, a long-time national Learning Partner of high-tech companies (having received the highest education honors awarded by Microsoft, Cisco, Citrix, & RedHat). Their team has a 16-year track record of successfully partnering with large organizations to train tens of thousands of students nationwide.
Boots On The Roof, has become the premier Wind and Solar training provider in the United States. They are making it their mission to train the next wave of Renewable Energy Contractors, Architects, Engineers, Sales Professionals, and Business Entreprenuers.
The courses offered, are optimized for the various fields and professions listed above. They are also beneficial to home-improvement contractors, looking to add Solar/Wind applications to their existing services offered. Feel free to call and discuss with their capable staff, what your goals are, and what classes can best benefit you and your situation.
Your tuition fee includes your instruction materials, textbook, examination fee and labs. If you are not local, a susidized travel package that includes your hotel stay, free shuttle to/from the airport, and breakfast and lunch on all the days of your boot camp is available.
If you absolutely, can not travel to the Northern California or NewYork/New Jersey campuses, you can take the Boots On The Roof online course instead. However, nothing can compare to the hands on labs, lectures, and classroom activites offered. Here is what alumni are saying about their experiences with courses offered at Boots On The Roof.
So, whether you are attending the 6DaySolar PV BootCamp, or any of the courses offered at Boots On the Roof, you are assured you are getting the best and most current training and certification available in the area of Renewable Energy. Working toward a better tomorrow, and a brighter future.