Goal For The Green

Para-education and green living information

Archive for May, 2009

Well, here it is Saturday again.  I don’t know if you agree but, most Saturday evenings, there is just nothing on TV.  At least, that is what I thought last weekend, when I convinced my husband to watch “The Garbage Moguls,” on the science channel.  So, here I was watching this program, mouth hanging open in utter amazement, thinking UNBELIEVABLE!

If you didn’t know, this week has been National Compost week.  Most people that are into gardening, know that worm castings (vermicompost) is like black gold for your garden. I know this to be true, by working at a local worm farm, where developmentally  disabled adults maintain the worm bins. They chop after market fruits and vegetables, feed the worms, and then dry, sift and bag the castings.  You then, can make your own worm tea (liquified worm poop) from the bagged product (castings).

In 2001, two Princeton University students, Tom Szaky and Jon Beyer, set out to turn the concept of  worm compost, into a real-life commercially viable “green” business. Thus, TerraCycle was born.

The TerraCycle Story, is a story of Eco-Capitalism at its finest.  The flagship product,   TerraCycle Plant Food™, is 100% organic certified, liquid plant food, made from worm waste (poop).  It is then, packaged in reused soda bottles, the sprayers are other companies leftovers, and the boxes that they use for shipping, would have been trashed for printing mistakes.  To date, this company has kept at least 100 million tons of plastic bottles, juice pouches, and other types of packaging out of landfills.

Today, TerraCycle  can be credited for not only turning something as simple as worm poop, into a household name, but for leading the way in how we look at many environmental issues.  They look at new and innovative ways to take the waste that people and companies generate on a daily basis, and turn garbage, that would otherwise wind up in our landfills, into 100% profitable and usable products.

TerraCycle has teamed up with such companies as Office Max, Office Depot, WalMart and Home Depot, to name a few of their clients, to bring you new (from recycled material) and unique products.  The company collects all kinds of waste products, such as discarded electronics, soda bottles, drink pouches, cookie wrappers, and yes, worm poop (their flagship product) and turns it into household cleaners,  office supplies, backpacks and other usefully unique products.

This young and unique company, has not only successfully turned trash into gold, but they have given new meaning to Reduce, Reuse and Recycle.  They truly are working toward a better tomorrow for the entire planet!

Relax With Barbara On Wednesday 36

May-6-2009 By Barbara Zak

Enjoy and relax to a “Green Dream, ” by sand artist Ilana Yahav.  I love watching her create these amazing works of art…I hope you do too!

Element #90 – Thorium Energy Update

May-2-2009 By Barbara Zak

If you recall , back in early February, I wrote “Let’s Take A Closer Look at Element #90”.  It was to let you know about this much cleaner, safer,  and more abundant alternative source of nuclear energy.

To keep you up to date on the most current information on this topic, I invite you to go to a very active Energy From Thorium Discussion Forum.

Once you are inside the forum, there are many threads to update you on the  progress of this energy source.  If you click on Thorium in the news, it will take you to a page where my article is listed “Let’s Take A Closer Look at Element #90”.

There is a very active thread that explains in detail the inner workings of Thorium reactors, and why they are safer, than what we have used in the past.  Please, also take a look at “Is This The Dawning of The Age Of Thorium” by Jack Lifton.  He takes a good look at Thorium based nuclear power, along with it’s implications for nonproliferation and investment opportunities.

I could spend hours in this forum, but you will want to also check out President Obama’s, “Yes We Can”  Energy Plan and where we are headed in this country by 2025 or before.  Let’s hope for before.

Energy from Thorium is another detailed source of information on the topic.

Currently, sandy beaches of Thorium stretch for miles along India’s coastline.  They also have an active Thorium Energy program in place.  It is a positive step in the right direction.

I hope you take full advantage of these sources of information I’ve listed here, to get an up close and better understanding of this great and abundant energy source.

There is a quote I’d like to share, that for me, puts Thorium Energy into perspective.

“If you’re looking for an always-on, carbon-free, sustainable source of energy, for which the reserves won’t run dry for more than a few centuries, there’s really only one choice, – Thorium.”

Here’s to working toward a better tomorrow.  Until next time!


Special thanks to Robert Hargraves, who sent this special graphic tutorial, The Aim High presentation. There are several formats to chose from including a detailed video , explaining Thorium Energy and Liquid Fluoride Thorium Reactors  (LFTR).  Below the links, is a detailed written  summary.