Is EMR Harmful to Your Health?
There is no disputing the impact of technology on our everyday lives. Almost everyone these days is connected to some type of electronic device. If they are not, they are exposed to some form of technological convenience on a daily basis. Anything from your microwave, cell phone and computers, use radio frequency waves, which is a form of electromagnetic radiation. The question remains, is this harmful?
- Image via Wikipedia
Please take the time to watch this startling video segment which just aired on the Australian version of “60 Minutes” about Cell Phones and Brain Cancer. This may be a true “wake up call” for those that still question whether EMR is potentially harmful to your health.
My goal is only to bring you current information on this topic, not to use scare tactics. After all, it is your body, your health and your decision to make, if you feel this is a concern to you. However, if you or the teenager’s in your home, are always on their cell phone, computer, or plugged-in to some electronic device, you may want to consider some form of protection from EMR.
I certainly am not giving up the use of my cell phone, or the convienences offered by the advances of technology. However, I do use the biopro chips, throughout my home on electronic devices. I would rather attempt to be safe, than a sorry statistic. I hope you agree.