Goal For The Green

Para-education and green living information

Archive for January, 2009

Autism In The Spotlight

Jan-31-2009 By Barbara Zak

The cause of Autism continues to be in the spotlight, or at least, in the center of great debate. Many still feel that autism is caused by the mercury based preservatives used in vaccines. Numerous studies have and are, still dispelling this theory, or link because Thimerosol, was removed from vaccines in 2001.  Even, still many parents are convinced otherwise, and are choosing to not vaccinate their children, in hopes of avoiding autism.

Many experts feel that autism may be caused by a wide range of many factors, including genetics and the environment.  Today, there is still NO known cause, and it is still a mystery as to what factors are key in the onset of the disorder.  Scientist’s are still saying there is no link found between Autism and vaccines.

Major brain structures implicated in autism.
Image via Wikipedia

As I have said before, environmental factors should and must be considered, as there is no such thing as a genetic epidemic.  Still, I’m left to recall in my day, there were perhaps three shots we were required to have.  Polio, Tb, and smallpox.  Now, there are over thirty shots a child is subjected to by the time they reach age 5.  Leaves me to think something is not right somewhere in this picture.  No  small wonder that some parents who have children affected by ASD (Autism Spectrum Disorder), feel that there is a conspiracy going on.

Here is what we know about Autism.

The odds of autism are 1 in every 150 children in the United States.  In the U.K. the odds are 1:88, or one in every 54 boys.  Another unknown, is that boys are 4 times more likely to be affected by the disorder than girls.  Yet girls, are often times more profoundly affected.

Often typically appearing before the age of 3, Autism is a lifelong non-progressive disorder.

Signs and symptoms include, language and communication deficits, including withdrawal from social contacts, lack of making eye contact, and extreme reactions to their immediate environment.

It costs approximately $3.2 million to take care of an autistic person over their lifetime.  Indirect costs for autistic individuals and their parents can range from $39,000 to $130,000 annually.  Let’s not forget that there are still many who are institutionalized.

The divorce rate of parents with autistic children is at 80%.  Sibling in the environment are under tremendous pressure to help care for their affected sibling on the spectrum.

There is cause to be encouraged, as far as cost factors involved in treating autism.  As of Friday, January 30, 2009, Democratic leaders of the House and Senate have pledged to provide expanded insurance coverage to families to help pay for the expense of diagnosis and treatment of people with autism. There is a nationwide effort that has been proposed similar Legislation in 30 states , including Connecticut. It is a much needed and helpful thing for all families dealing with ASD.

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FYI- Post Updates !

Jan-29-2009 By Barbara Zak

Web Prosperity

Tick…tock, the clock is ticking.  In just under 24 hours, the most powerful, income generating Internet Business opportunity will be launched.  Web Prosperity will be life changing.

Take action and take control of your life today.  It will secure your position in the matrix.  Sign-up today  http://barbararae.webprosperity.com/, to create the life and prosperity you want and deserve.  With Web Prosperity, you can positively make it happen…and you will have help along the way!  Don’t delay…your better life is waitng.

JellyFish Windpower!

Due to the enthusiastic response (over 100,oo0 enthusiastic submisssions), it is taking longer than anticipated to review all the applicants for Google’s Great Idea Contest.  Called Project 10^100th Power, Google’s initiative has been collecting ideas from the public since last year.  The deadline to submit your idea was October, 20, 2008.

Pacific sea nettle, Chrysaora fuscescens, ende...
Image via Wikipedia

The idea behind this project is a call for ideas to change the world, by helping as many people as possible.  Google employees, with the help of an advisory board are now in the review phase (this phase began on Jan27,2009) of this portion of the contest.  Voting for your favorite idea will begin on March 17, 2009.  I will keep you informed, and plan to have it set-up for you to cast your vote here. for the Chad Maglaque’s JellyFish -plug-in wind power machine. You can show your support for his invention, and leave comments for him at You tube.

Funding from a pool of $10 million, will be awarded in May.  If the judges approve 5 winners, each will recieve $2 million.  If only 2 winners are chosen, each will recieve $ 5 million.

Project 10^100 is much like the Google sponsored Lunar XPRIZE,  which is a $30 million International competition.  The plan is to safely land a robot on the moon, then travel 500 meters on the lunar surface.  The object then, is to collect data and images and send it back to earth.  Currently, there are 16 teams competing.  The first team to successfully land on the moon and complete the mission objectives, wins the prize!

There’s Green Boots On The Roof!

If you are looking to begin  a “green career,” then be sure to visit Boots On The Roof. Their next 7-day boot camp is February 16-21.  You will leave with certification to work in the solar industry.  So, get your information and start packing.  In no time, you can put your “green boots on the roof.”

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Relax With Barbara On Wednesday 23

Jan-28-2009 By Barbara Zak

Take in the light and airy feeling, like you are floating on top of the world…then take a deep breath and see if you feel energized.  I know I did!