Green Spring Cleaning Agents
You don’t have to spend a dime on cleaners and solvents, to do your Spring cleaning. There are products in your kitchen or pantry right now, that will do the job nicely, and in an earth friendly way.
Most household cleaners, fall into the acid or alkaline region on a pH scale. The scale ranges from 1-14, with 7 being the pure or neutral (like water) region. Acidic solutions fall below 7, while the alkaline solutions are on the up side of the scale. Cleaners that rank on the high end of the alkaline scale are considered caustic, and the very acidic cleaners are corrosive. Usually, areas that are soiled with grease and oil are best treated with alkaline cleaners. This is because alkaline cleaners work by separating heavy soil and grease from surfaces and fabric, so they can be easily blotted up, or rinsed away. The most common alkaline cleaners are sudsy ammonia, borax, chlorine bleach, detergents and soaps, TSP (trisodium phosphate) and washing soda.
Common acidic cleaners, are white vinegar, lemon juice, commercial rust removing products, and metal cleaners that remove tarnish and corrosion. These cleaners work best on particulates (such as smoke) and in hard water areas where lime scales are formed by calcium and magnesium deposits.
For kitchen clean-up, nothing more than 2 Tablespoons of Bleach to a gallon of water and a few drops of your dish washing detergent, is all that is needed for sparkle and disinfecting. For your copper bottomed pans, take half of a lemon dipped in table salt and work it like a scrubber on the pan. Ketchup and table salt, also works well. Wash and dry, and your pans will look like new.
My favorite, around the house cleaners, are white vinegar and baking soda. White vinegar is great for cleaning anything, from your coffee pot to windows, sinks, bathrooms and chrome fixtures. It works well, at removing mineral deposits and stains. When paired with baking soda it will bubble, but works wonderfully well for cleaning out your oven and drip pans, if you don’t have a self cleaning oven. For best results, just let sit over night. Its much better, than the fumes from oven cleaning products. Proper ventilation, should always be used, when using commercial cleaners, as some can cause burns to the skin, and shouldn’t even be breathed. Baking soda, is both gentle and powerful, and has many uses like removing odors and fruit juice stains, and as a mild abrasive in other cleaning applications.
When it comes to making home made cleaners, it is by far more, the economical choice. Most recipes make about a gallon, and you probably already have the ingredients on hand. For pennies, you can make your own, and there is no waste.
If you prefer to buy ready made cleaners, look for brands such as Ecos, Simple Green, and the new line of green cleaners from Clorox, just to name a few earth friendly alternatives.
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